Author: James Morgan

what do hawks eat

What Do Hawks Eat? [Learn The Hawks Varied Diet]

Hawks are very skilled hunters with a varied carnivorous diet. Depending on the specific hawk species and habitat they will eat anything from small aerial insects to large rodents and amphibians. These raptors are opportunistic hunters which means that they will eat whatever is readily available. Thus, their diet changes […]

how to keep hawks away

How to Keep Hawks Away [10 Actionable Tips!]

Hawks are famous for being predatory birds and some may even attack small animals like chickens, ducks and even small dogs. Fortunately, there are ways to keep hawks away from your backyard without hurting these raptors. People living in hawk habitats may be concerned about these large birds attacking their […]

do hummingbirds pollinate

Do Hummingbirds Pollinate?

Hummingbirds play an important role in the pollination of many flowers. Many floral types have evolved to have specific characteristics to entrance hummingbirds to help floral reproduction. Hummingbirds are the ideal bird for pollination, because they feed so frequently. Like bees, they carry pollen from one plant to another and […]

do hummingbirds recognize humans

Do Hummingbirds Recognize Humans?

Hummingbirds are one of nature’s most beautiful creatures. A little known fact is that they’re not just beautiful and fast, but they also have incredible levels of memory for a bird. Hummingbirds, according to Science Mag, have such good recollection that they could give “the largest land mammal a run […]

can hummingbirds fly backwards

Can Hummingbirds Fly Backwards? Yes, They Can!

Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures, for plenty of reasons, their striking colours, the fact they weigh less than a nickel, but my favourite by far, their incredible gift for the way they fly. These little birds have a truly unique way of flying, and they can make manoeuvres no other bird […]