When a bird lays eggs, the incubation period varies quite considerably depending on the species. In most cases it can take anywhere from 10 days to 30 days for the eggs to hatch. Before the eggs hatch the mother will spend most of their days sitting on the nest while […]
General Facts
Why Do Birds Chirp At Night? [5 Nocturnal Chirpers]
When you’re lying in bed at night, the last thing you want is to listen to the birds chirping outside your window. Most birds are active during daylight hours so you don’t expect to hear bird song at night. For some birds, chirping at night is a sign of danger […]
7 Birds That Mate For Life: Finding True Love!
When birds mate for life they form a strong bond and often rely on each other not only during the breeding season, but all year round. Mating for life should not be confused with monogamy. Monogamous birds will stay with the same mate during the breeding season. They will then […]
What is The State Bird of California?
If you’ve had the chance to read my article about the state bird of Utah, you would know that it’s the California Gull. After reading the article, you’ve probably asked yourselves a fairly logical question: “If the California gull is not the state bird of the state it gets its […]
How Many States Have The Cardinal As The State Bird?
Have you ever wondered why states even have birds as a symbol? When I was younger, it was quite intriguing to me, so I had to ask my parents to help me demystify this fact. I’ve learned that all of the states decided to designate state flowers, birds, slogans, trees, […]
Why Do Birds Always Peck On Windows?
If you’re enjoying a relaxing day it can be quite stressful seeing a bird attacking your windows and it’s not always easy to know what to do for the best. One of the main reasons why birds always peck on windows is because they can see their own reflection. Many […]
Why do Mother Birds Abandon Their Babies?
There are a lot of discussions out there about nasty habit of mother birds abandoning their babies. Some of those stories are myths, and some a reality- will, and why would a mother bird abandon their babies? It’s not much of a habit as much as wrong circumstances and mishaps. […]
How Often Should You Feed a Baby Bird?
Have you ever came across a wounded or abandoned baby bird and took it in your care? Then you must’ve asked yourself: “How am I supposed to take care of it? How often to feed it and with what?” No worries, this article will answer all the questions you might […]
What is The State Bird of Utah?
Every country has its own national symbols, be it an animal, or a tree, or mythical creature. Greece has their dolphin. Canada has the North-American beaver, and the U.S. state of Utah is no exception. The national animal of Utah is a bird, and that bird is the Californian gull. […]
How Far Can a Squirrel Jump?
At least once in their lifetimes people would get to see a squirrel. The sight of these adorable rodents running and jumping all over park trees makes a pretty impressive display of speed and agility. Their muscles are highly responsive, their limbs strong and dexterous despite their fragile look, and […]