There are many different types of bird beaks because they have evolved to adapt to their own specific way of eating, hunting, fighting and other bird species characteristics. Bird beaks can be divided into the generalists shapes (unspecific purpose) and specialists shapes (specific purpose) but within those main groups there […]
Author: Torrie Reed
Why Do Birds Throw Seed Out Of The Feeder!? Let’s Explain..
If you put food out for the birds, you’ll know they can be pretty messy eaters. Seed on the ground not only looks untidy, but it also attracts unwanted visitors to your garden. Birds are simply picking out the food they prefer, and discarding the rest. Why Do Birds Seem […]
How To Attach a Slinky To Your Bird Feeder Pole [Slinky vs Squirrels!]
It can be very frustrating. You put food out for the birds, and the squirrels get it instead. Trying to stop squirrels from getting to your feeder can be tricky, but one method you can use is a slinky. Secure it well, and they won’t get up the pole. There […]
What Do Birds Do When Their Nest Is Destroyed?
Many birds react differently if their nest is destroyed. If they are nesting at the time, some will rebuild it while some will choose to abandon it and the eggs or nestlings inside. A lot depends on how many broods they have and whether or not they reuse their nest. […]
Can You Move a Birds Nest? [Is It Even Legal?]
Finding a bird’s nest on your property is often a pleasing experience. Watching the eggs hatch and seeing the fledglings grow is a joy, but there are times when this can be very unwelcome. Birds choose their nesting sites for a good reason, but there are times you just have […]
Does a Ducks Quack Echo!? 7 Excellent Duck Facts!
Everyone loves ducks. They can be found on lakes and rivers throughout the country and they love interacting with humans – particularly if we have food. We can all hear them when they quack to let us know they’re there, but do their quacks echo? The answer is yes, of […]
Do Birds Have Teeth? This May Surprise You!
If you eat nuts and seeds you need teeth, right? For most of us the answer is yes, but not if you’re a bird. These fascinating creatures enjoy a varied diet and don’t have any teeth. How Do Birds Chew? Which such a wide choice of food and no teeth, […]
Can Hummingbirds Walk?
Hummingbirds are often heard by their hum and recognized by their colourful feathers. Hummingbirds almost never stop moving, and they spend nearly all of their time up in the air. Hummingbirds are the only bird species that can hover, and fly backwards and upside down. The ability to hover enables […]
Are Cardinals Endangered?
It seems that you can’t turn on the TV or look at a news report without coming across another beautiful and fascinating species that calls our planet home listed as being endangered. As birdwatchers we have a strong love for all species of our feathered friends. However, there is one […]
Are There Blue Cardinals?
The more years I spend birdwatching and researching this hobby of mine, the more I realize how hard it can be to accurately identify birds in the wild. The above question is one that is asked a lot in forums, on sites and in birdwatching and wildlife magazines. Perhaps you […]