I grew up on a farm where, as kids, my brother and I regularly had various farm animals as pets – horses, lambs, calves, chickens, geese, and, of course, ducks. All these animals enjoy eating a variety of foods, and ducks are no different – but, can they eat green […]
General Facts
Are Ducks Birds? [10 Duck Facts You Should Know]
Like many birds, ducks come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Classically found around water, ducks are often referred to as waterfowl. Ducks form a group of numerous bird species found in the family Anatidae. Ducks appear similar to geese and swans (from the same family) but are smaller, and […]
Crow vs. Blackbird [How to Differentiate the Two]
You’re out bird-watching with your buddy Brendan. Brendan is the kind of guy who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, and you don’t really like hanging out with him, but he always pays for lunch, so you keep him around. Both of you have your Celestron spotting scope locked on […]
How Long Do Sparrows Live? [A Look at the Life Expectancy of this Popular Bird]
Sparrows are some of the most common backyard birds and with good reason. They’re cute, small, active, colorful and easy to pet. But have you ever wondered how long sparrows live? Generally, sparrows live between one and three years, but many factors affect their lifespan, including their diet and environment. […]
Do Sparrows Migrate? [The Intriguing Migration Mystery]
Sparrows have been spotted in many different areas during various seasons, so it’s natural to wonder whether they migrate like other birds. Generally, sparrows migrate, and it’s common to see them travel from one part of the country to another during searching for warmer weather and plentiful food sources. This […]
Do Birds Eat Slugs? [Which Birds Eat Slug And Snails & How]
Birds come in all shapes and sizes and are found on every continent of the planet. With this large variety of sizes and habitats, it should be no surprise that birds’ diets vary equally, but do birds indulge in the slimy meal of slugs and snails? It is common to […]
Do Birds Eat Spiders? [Everything You Need to Know]
Birds and spiders often squabble for the same spots in your yard or porch, but do birds eat spiders? Most insect-eating birds regularly consume spiders as part of their daily diet. Other birds might occasionally eat spiders, but it’s not part of their everyday diet. If you’re wondering how birds […]
Can You Eat a Flamingo [Yes, But Should You?]
You are walking through the zoo with your nephew at your hip. He’s 6, his name is Dylan, and he is the reason you’re here. You’re babysitting and he told you that he likes animals. You responded, “I know where we should go, you’re going to love it.” You and […]
Do Birds Eat Butterflies? [Here’s Everything You Need to Know]
Birds and butterflies share several qualities, but the biggest question among butterfly watchers and bird lovers has always been whether birds eat butterflies. Some bird species eat butterflies, moths, butterfly eggs, and larvae, while others are totally uninterested in eating such insects as part of their diet. Today I’ll get […]
Do Crows Mate for Life? [Find Out the Truth]
Have you ever wondered if crows mate for life? As it turns out, there’s no easy way to determine this fact, but I’m here to help you discover the truth about crow relationships. Generally, it appears that crows mate for life. Crows are monogamous, meaning most mates don’t switch unless […]