Many of us put food out for birds, and this can include bread. Bread isn’t harmful to birds, but it’s not the best thing to give them. It provides no nutritional value and fills them up so they don’t want to eat other food. If you want to feed birds, […]
General Facts
Are Magpies Lucky or Unlucky? [Mischief & Myths]
There are many superstitions surrounding magpies. Some people even carry out little rituals when they see one to ward off bad luck. But are magpies really unlucky or do they bring good luck? The answer of course, is that they don’t physically bring either, but there are many reasons why […]
Does a Ducks Quack Echo!? 7 Excellent Duck Facts!
Everyone loves ducks. They can be found on lakes and rivers throughout the country and they love interacting with humans – particularly if we have food. We can all hear them when they quack to let us know they’re there, but do their quacks echo? The answer is yes, of […]
Do Birds Have Teeth? This May Surprise You!
If you eat nuts and seeds you need teeth, right? For most of us the answer is yes, but not if you’re a bird. These fascinating creatures enjoy a varied diet and don’t have any teeth. How Do Birds Chew? Which such a wide choice of food and no teeth, […]
Do Birds Fly In The Rain?
Most birds can fly in the rain, but they will only go for short distances. Their body and feathers are designed to withstand some exposure to water, but too much can be harmful for them. Are Birds Waterproof? To a certain extent, yes, they are. To keep them dry, their […]
Can You Put Cayenne Pepper In Bird Seed?
Are you suffering from unwanted visitors to your garden in the form of squirrels stealing food from your bird feeders? While it’s true that squirrels need to eat just as much as birds do, why do they need to steal the food from the birds you enjoy watching? Are there […]
How Does a Bird Get Oxygen? It’s Fascinating!
When it comes to the intricate workings of a bird, not much is widely spoken about how these feathered delights get their oxygen. But, if you regularly feed a variety of birds and watch them with awe as they visit your garden or yard, you may be interested as to […]
What Birds like Safflower Seeds?
Not to be confused with that of the sunflower seed, safflower seed is the more unique and often rarer type of bird food offered at bird feeders. However, if you’re looking to attract a specific type of bird that is partial to a bit of safflower seed, these seed types […]
How Long Does it Take For Baby Birds to Fly?
The first 3-4 weeks of a bird’s life is an exciting time. When they are born they are mostly helpless and rely on their parents to feed them and keep them warm. They soon open their eyes and their downy feathers disappear to be replaced with their flight feathers. The […]
Where Do Birds Go In Storms?
When we have a storm we usually have advanced warning and we know to take cover. Some birds have their own early warning system and how they handle the storm very much depends on what sort of bird they are and what type of storm we have. Preparation Birds have […]