Rooster with Long Tail [The Strange and Beautiful Life of the Onagadori Bird]

rooster with a long tail

The rooster with a long tail has become something of an enigma, with its unique exotic plumage and physical characteristics mesmerizing bird lovers and non-birders alike. 

This rooster has adapted to its environment, becoming a true marvel of nature. Keep reading to discover more about this majestic bird’s strange and beautiful life!

What’s a Rooster with a Long Tail?

The rooster with a long tail, also known as the Onagadori rooster, is a traditional Japanese breed of chicken known for its incredibly long tail feathers. 

Onagadori translates to “long-tailed rooster,” and it’s easy to see why they got that name. 

These birds are unique and can reach lengths of up to three feet! They’ve been bred in Japan for centuries to achieve the longest tail possible. 

Not only are these birds exceptionally beautiful, but they’re also very rare, making them highly sought-after.

This type of chicken is still bred today, though not on as large a scale as it once was. 

Most Onagadori chickens today are descended from the original line developed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in Kochi Prefecture around the 17th century.

Common Roosters with Long Tails

The Onagadori is one of the most popular and widely known breeds among long-tailed roosters. 

But there are many other breeds of roosters that also boast beautiful long tails. Some of these breeds include.

The Yokohama Rooster

The Yokohama rooster is a breed native to Japan, where they have been selectively bred over time to develop their impressive tail feathers. 

This breed has a black body, a dark red crest, and about 10 to 16 long tail feathers.

The Cubalaya Rooster

Cubalaya Rooster

The Cubalaya rooster was first created by crossing breeds from Cuba, including Spanish Andalusian, French Marans, and American Game Fowl. 

These birds possess striking deep red plumage and incredibly long tails – up to 4 feet long! In addition to their long tails, they have deep chestnut combs, wattles, and earlobes. 

Cubanalaya Roosters make great pets as they are generally friendly and enjoy human companionship.

The Phoenix Rooster

Phoenix Rooster

These birds were originally bred in Germany and feature elegant mixed-color plumage like the phoenix bird. 

Phoenix Roosters typically have between 8 and 12 exceptionally long tail feathers that can reach 2 feet or more long! 

These birds make excellent show birds due to their vibrant coloring and majestic tails.

The Ohiki Rooster

The Ohiki rooster is a Japanese breed originally developed for its meat production capabilities and remarkable egg-laying and hatching rate for the Ohiki female.

Ohiki roosters typically have yellow or black feathered bodies, bright orange or yellow faces, and incredibly long tails that can grow up to 3 feet long!

The Sumatra Rooster

The Sumatra rooster originated in Indonesia and was used mainly for cockfighting competitions. 

These birds are highly prized for their beauty and intelligence, and though they may require special care due to their dark feathers, they make wonderful pets.

The Asil/Aseel Rooster

Originating from India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, the Asil Rooster has been bred by many cultures since ancient times for fighting and sports purposes. 

They have strong, muscular bodies, pointed hoods atop their heads, and long sickle-shaped tail feathers that give them a regal appearance. 

While they may look intimidating at first glance, they’re quite gentle by nature, making them a great option for pet owners who want a loyal companion.

The Beautiful Plumage of Rooster with Long Tail

The tail feathers of the long-tailed roosters are often very long and may reach up to 20 feet (6 meters) in length! 

This means the feathers will cover the entire backside of the chicken, giving it an unmistakable appearance.

These long feathers have various colors, including white, black, red, grey, yellow, and more.

The rooster’s long tail and impressive coloration make them one of the world’s most beautiful and eye-catching chicken breeds.

The long-tailed rooster’s tail is so impressive that its feathers don’t shed or break.

How does the Rooster with Long Tail Differ from other Roosters?

In addition to the long feathers, the rooster with a long tail also has a few other physical characteristics that set it apart from other chickens. 

Rooster with Long Tail Differ from other Roosters

The most obvious difference is its size; long-tailed roosters are usually much larger than common breeds, often reaching weights of up to 6 kg (15 pounds) or more. 

This makes them more powerful than their smaller counterparts and more aggressive than other roosters. 

They also tend to have larger combs and wattles than regular chickens, adding to their distinct appearance. 

Finally, Onagadori chickens are known for their longevity. With proper care, these chickens can live about 6 to 7 years! 

This is much longer than other breeds of chicken, making them a great investment for any chicken enthusiast.

How Do Roosters with Long Tails use their Long Tails?

The answer is complicated, but roosters with long tails generally use their tails to show off and impress other chickens, especially females.

How Do Roosters with Long Tails use their Long Tails

The roosters will wave their long tails in circles or figure eights to show off to the other roosters around them. 

This behavior is known as “flagging” and is a common display of dominance among male chickens. It can also be seen as a sign of confidence and social status among the flock.

The long tail is also used for balance purposes. When running or taking their clumsy flight, the long tail helps them maintain their balance and move faster than other chicken breeds. 

This makes them much more agile than other breeds and allows them to make quick turns and sharp maneuvers. 

The long tail also helps these birds to stay warm in colder climates and provides extra insulation. 

The long feathers can also help keep dust and dirt out of the chicken’s eyes and mouth.

Are Roosters Long Tails Aggressive?

Overall, the rooster with a long tail is a gentle bird that rarely shows signs of aggression unless they feel threatened. 

These birds are known to be quite friendly and gentle birds, even around humans and other animals.

However, roosters with long tails may become more aggressive during the mating season. 

They’re known to compete for mates and act defensively when competing with other roosters. 

Providing enough space is recommended for multiple roosters to coexist peacefully and avoid any potential aggression from your long-tailed rooster.

Like other roosters, roosters with long tails can also be territorial, especially toward predatory birds like hawks. 

They’re usually very protective of their territory and can defend it aggressively. They challenge other animals and intruders who come into their territory.

In addition to being territorial, long-tailed roosters have a strong flock mentality. 

They’re loyal and dedicated to the other members of their flock. They stick together and look out for one another to protect their territory.

Common Health Problems Affecting Roosters with Long Tails

Due to the extended length of the tail feathers, long-tailed roosters are prone to certain health issues. 

Overgrown feathers can become a hazard, leading to tail feather mites, fly strikes, and bumblefoot. 

The extra feathers can also make it difficult for the bird to balance and groom itself properly, increasing its risk of illness.

Symptoms of tail feather mite infestations include itchiness, loss of feathers, and bald spots. 

Fly strike is another common health issue for long-tailed roosters. Signs of the fly strike include foul odors, oozing sores, and missing patches of feathers.

This condition occurs when the rooster’s long feathers become soiled with fecal matter or feed, attracting flies that lay eggs on the feathers and eventually cause infection.

Do Roosters with Long Tails Make Good Pets?

Roosters with long tails make great pets for those willing to take on the challenges of keeping a large, rambunctious bird in the home. 

Long-tailed roosters can be friendly, social animals that bond well with their owners and other animals. 

They’re typically inquisitive and love to explore their surroundings. Although they can make wonderful, loyal pets, they require significant time, attention, and care.

How to Care for a Rooster with Long Tail

Taking care of a rooster with a long tail requires special attention and care. Here are some tips to help you provide the best possible care for your long-tailed rooster:

  • Provide a safe, spacious living space. Roosters with long tails require plenty of room to stretch, preen, and fluff their feathers
  • Ideally, your rooster should have at least 10 square feet of space to move around in. Ensure the area is safe and secure, as predators can be an issue.
  • Offer plenty of fresh food and water. These roosters need a balanced diet comprising quality feed, fresh vegetables, fruits, and other treats.
  • These roosters like to perch on high spots, and the bird should have plenty of perching options. A scratching post is also good for keeping its claws trimmed.
  • Get your bird checked regularly. Roosters with long tails can be prone to certain health problems, so the bird must be checked by a veterinarian regularly. 
  • Regular cleaning of the living space will reduce the risk of health problems. 
  • The rooster’s habitat should be free of debris, standing water, or other hazardous items that could harm the bird.

The Amazing Adaptations of the Rooster with Long Tail

The rooster with a long tail has a unique adaptation that allows the breed to survive in even the harshest conditions. 

Adaptations of the Rooster with Long Tail

The frame of the long-tailed rooster is also incredibly tough and hardy. These birds have tough muscles and sinewy legs that are strong enough to carry their impressive weight. 

They also have thick feathers and thick, insulating skin that protects them from extreme weather conditions.

The long-tailed rooster is equipped with extra-strong eyesight, allowing them to detect danger and prey from a great distance away. 

This allows them to keep a safe distance from predators while still being able to scout out potential food sources.

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