How to Attract Eagles [Tricks to Welcome These Majestic Birds to Your Yard]

Observing eagle habits up close can be a priceless experience for birdwatchers and nature lovers. The secret is just bringing these majestic creatures near your property.

Do you live near an eagle habitat and want to bring a touch of the wilderness to your backyard? This guide will show you how to attract and keep eagles coming back!

Place Bird Feeders in the Right Spots in Your Yard

Placing bird feeders in the right spots in your yard will ensure the eagles feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe on your property.

place bird feeder in the yard

Place feeders near open fields or areas with plenty of vegetation, as eagles will often hunt near these environments.

Ensure the feeders are at least 6 to 10 feet off the ground to let eagles spot and access the food quickly. 

Additionally, ensure the feeders are near natural covers, such as trees or shrubs, to give eagles a place to hide if they feel threatened.

Placing your feeders near a water source like a pond or reservoir is also wise. Eagles are fish-eaters and will undoubtedly visit the bird feeders near water sources in your yard. 

A small pond or stream in your yard can be an excellent spot for a bird feeder.

Also, remember that eagles are massive and need enough space to land and take off comfortably. 

So choose a location with ample space for an eagle to perch and eat without feeling cramped or crowded.

Use the Right Bird Feeders

Remember, eagles have huge beaks, talons, and massive wingspans. Pick large sizes to accommodate larger birds like eagles when choosing your bird feeders. 

use bird feeder to attract eagles

Consider the type of food the feeder can hold. Eagles primarily feed on meat, so choose a feeder to accommodate live or dead prey. 

Opt for feeders with wide openings that can hold larger quantities of food. Ensure the feeders are easy-to-clean, as these birds can be messy eaters.

Additionally, choose feeders made from sturdy materials, such as metal or thick plastic, that can withstand the strength of an eagle’s talons and weight.

Provide the Right Food

Eagles are omnivores that prefer fish, small mammals, birds, eggs, and plant-based food like berries. Feel the feeders with their favorite food to attract them to your backyard. 

use food to attract eagles

Place pieces of meat, suet, or a dead fish on a tree branch, bird feeder, or platform to attract eagles.

You can also install bird feeders containing seeds, nuts, and fruits that attract small birds or rodents and provide an easy meal for eagles. 

The presence of small animals will eventually attract eagles since they’re their favorite prey.

If your yard is likely to have live or dead mammals, like squirrels, rabbits, or mice, you can attract eagles by letting nature take its course.

Leave a carcass in the open, and eagles may swoop down for an easy meal.

However, feeding eagles can be illegal in some states or countries. Check with your local wildlife authorities to avoid breaking any laws.

Also, be cautious of feeding eagles near human activity and take precautions to avoid attracting other wildlife that could be harmful to eagles.

Provide Live Prey

Eagles are predators that primarily feed on live prey and carrion (the carcass of a dead animal).

Providing live and dead prey can increase the chances of attracting eagles to your backyard.

  • Place live fish or frogs in your backyard pond or other water sources. Eagles are excellent fishermen and will be attracted to a water source with fish. 
  • For dead prey – Place pieces of meat or other small carcasses in a visible location, such as on a tree stump or a raised platform. 

Remember to keep the food fresh and promptly remove any uneaten portions to avoid attracting other scavengers like raccoons, coyotes, and stray dogs.

Provide Fresh Water Sources

Eagles are attracted to areas with abundant freshwater sources to drink, bathe, and catch fish. 

If you live near a body of water, such as a river, lake, or ocean, you are already one step ahead in attracting eagles.

What if you’re not near a body of water?

Consider installing a bird bath or a shallow pool in your yard. Keep the water clean and fresh by changing it frequently. 

Eagles often visit bird baths, especially when it’s hot and dry. They also enjoy splashing and playing in shallow pools.

If you have a pond on your property, create a small artificial island in the middle. Eagles prefer to roost on islands for safety and a clear view of the surroundings. 

They can also use your artificial island as a feeding ground, as fish tend to congregate around them.

You can also install a drip irrigation system in your yard. This water source can attract eagles because it mimics natural springs and creeks.

Also, avoid using chemicals or pesticides near your water sources, and remove litter or debris that may harm these birds.

Provide a Safe Place to Perch

You can create a conducive environment to attract eagles to your property, and providing a safe place to perch is one of the critical elements of an eagle-friendly backyard.

provide a safe place to attract eagles

Eagles like to perch high up in trees or on other tall structures to get a good vantage point over their surroundings. This allows them to look out for potential prey or threats.

Install tall poles or trees in your backyard to create an ideal perch. These should be at least 20 feet high and placed in an open area where eagles can easily see them. 

You can also install platforms on the poles to provide a stable surface for the eagles to stand on.

Another option is to provide natural perches by having tall trees around your property that eagles can use for perching.

While eagles like to perch, they also need a clear take-off and landing zone. Ensure the area around your perch doesn’t have obstacles that could obstruct the eagle’s flight path.

Encourage Breeding and Nesting

Eagles prefer to mate and breed in areas with abundant food sources and safe nesting places. 

Provide plenty of fresh fish and small animals, such as rabbits or rodents, to make your property suitable for breeding and nesting.

You can also install safe and secure nesting platforms where eagles can build their nests. 

Place the nesting materials high up in the tree or on the platform, where it’s protected from predators. Ensure the area is free from disturbance and protected from predators. 

Use Eagle Decoys and Sounds to Draw Them

Using eagle decoys, sounds, and other attractants, like food and perching spaces, will create a welcoming environment and draw eagles to your backyard.

You can purchase eagle decoys from online or outdoor stores, use them to simulate real eagles in flight and encourage them to fly closer to your area.

Using eagle sounds can be done by playing pre-recorded eagle sounds using a speaker system. 

You can find these sounds online and use them to create a playlist to keep the eagles interested.

Place the decoys in a clear and visible area where eagles will likely spot them. Ensure the speaker system is also placed close to the baits.

Keep Your Yard Safe for Eagles

When attracting eagles to your area, their safety is a top priority. Eagles are territorial birds and won’t hesitate to defend their space if they feel threatened. 

It’s essential to keep your pets and livestock fenced in or confined to a specific area to prevent any confrontations with eagles.

Dogs, roosters, and turkeys can pose a threat to eagles. If they sense an eagle in their territory, they may attack, resulting in injury or death to the eagle or the animal. 

Removing any potential hazards, like barbed wire, broken glass, or metal scraps, in your yard will create a safe and welcoming environment for eagles. 

Also, note that eagles are sensitive to human disturbance. They’re naturally wary of humans; sudden movements or loud noises can scare them away. 

If you’re lucky to draw eagles into your yard, always observe them from a distance to avoid scaring them off. 

Use binoculars or a camera with a long lens to get a closer look without disturbing your visiting eagles. 

Additionally, respect their breeding space. Avoid getting too close to their nests or roosting sites, and never try to touch or feed them. Eagles are wild animals and can be aggressive.

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