
do hummingbirds land

Do Hummingbirds Land? [Yes, But Not Like Other Birds!]

There’s a lot to learn about the quirky behaviors of hummingbirds. They are quite different to other bird species and generally exhibit different characteristic traits. Because they’re such busy little birds, constantly darting around and hovering, you might be wondering if hummingbirds land. Hummingbirds do land but generally not in […]

do hummingbirds sleep upside down

Do Hummingbirds Sleep Upside Down?

If you’ve been watching the hummingbirds visiting your garden and love seeing them zipping around, you may have heard someone mention that hummingbirds sleep upside down. This has most likely had you wondering whether hummingbirds do, in fact, sleep upside down and why. Like all animals and birds on this […]

how high do hummingbirds fly

How High Do Hummingbirds Fly?

By now you would be aware that hummingbirds are the acrobats of the sky. These amazing little birds cannot only fly forwards but they can fly backwards and sideways as well. Plus, they are even capable of flying upside down. You might be wondering though, how high hummingbirds can fly. […]

hummingbirds nest guide

Hummingbird Nests: Our In-Depth Guide

Have you ever seen a hummingbird nest? Chances are, you probably haven’t as they’re extremely small and incredibly difficult to spot from the ground. Generally, a hummingbird nest is about the size of a golf ball and will usually be hidden in the branches of a tree. Hummingbird nests are […]