By now you should be aware that hummingbirds like and are attracted to the color red. Therefore, it goes without saying that hummingbirds love red flowers. They’re also particularly fond of tubular flowers because they can hold a lot of nectar. Besides having hummingbird feeders in your garden, it’s a […]
When to Put Out Hummingbird Feeders? [State by State Guide]
Hummingbirds love nectar and sugar water and if you put a feeder (see our top 10 favourites here!) in your garden for them, they’ll enjoy coming to feed. The best time to put out your hummingbird feeders will depend on where you live. In some southern areas of the country […]
Why Do Hummingbirds Hum?
Scientists have discovered that the ultra-fast wing flapping of hummingbirds is the source of their characteristic humming sound. There are specific aerodynamics at play which creates the sound that is distinct from other birds and insects. When talking about the sounds that birds make it is usually the bird call […]
Are Hummingbirds Territorial? [Learn Why They Fight So Much]
Hummingbirds are extremely territorial, especially during mating season. Although these pretty birds are so tiny, they are designed to fight for survival. It’s part of their nature. You’ll find that a male hummingbird is more aggressive when it’s trying to establish its own territory. This is essential for mating and […]
What Do Hummingbirds Eat? [Their 5 Favourite Foods!]
As you may or may not know, Hummingbirds are voracious eaters. In fact, they will consume half of their body weight each and every day due to their high metabolism. Hummingbirds eat a variety of foods including; nectar, small insects, tree sap, pollen, fruit and even grit, to assist with […]
Hummingbird Symbolism: A Guide to Their Meaning
You can find hummingbird symbolism in cultures all over the world. Used as both a spiritual symbol and physical symbol, hummingbirds are associated with life, love, beauty, joy and freedom. Each culture places their own special meaning on this little bird. Let us take you on a journey of hummingbird […]
What Time of Day do Hummingbirds Feed? [Learn the Hummingbirds Routine]
Hummingbirds are prolific eaters. They use up a huge amount of energy and feed roughly every 15 minutes throughout the day. Hummingbirds generally rest at night then first thing in the morning, they’re busy at the feeders. Let’s take a closer look at when hummingbirds eat and when you can […]
Can a Praying Mantis Kill a Hummingbird? [Protect Your Hummingbirds]
This might surprise you, but a praying mantis can indeed kill and eat a hummingbird. Only large mantises around 4 inches long have the capacity to catch a hummingbird, though. But, if a mantis is hungry and a hummingbird comes into its range, it will likely strike out with its […]
Do Hummingbirds Migrate On The Back Of Geese!?
There are many myths around hummingbird migration. Hummingbirds are remarkable little creatures and every year they return to the same spot to breed. Some say they migrate on the back of geese and this is one myth we’re happy to say is just not true. There are, of course, a […]
Can Hummingbirds Walk?
Hummingbirds are often heard by their hum and recognized by their colourful feathers. Hummingbirds almost never stop moving, and they spend nearly all of their time up in the air. Hummingbirds are the only bird species that can hover, and fly backwards and upside down. The ability to hover enables […]