Bird Feeders

unique hummingbird feeders

Unique Hummingbird Feeders [Our Favorites!]

If you are trying to bring a bit more color and activity into your garden, then a unique hummingbird feeder is a great option. As hummingbirds are incredibly beautiful and fascinating birds to observe in the wild, feeders designed to attract these majestic, yet, diminutive creatures add extra dimensions to […]

how to keep hummingbird feeders from freezing

How To Keep Hummingbird Feeders From Freezing

Hummingbirds aren’t known for living in cold weather climates, but during the breeding season some species do fly north, and some species are now resident in the US.  If the temperature drops, sugar water can freeze and the birds will go hungry. Colder weather also means that other food sources […]

is red dye bad for hummingbirds

Is Red Dye Bad For Hummingbirds?

When people talk about red dye being harmful for hummingbirds, it’s a controversial subject. It’s just as controversial as talking about our children consuming artificial colours. Red Dye that was exposed to rats and mice was shown to be highly carcinogenic and mutagenic. As a mutagen, Red Dye has the […]

how do birds find feeders

How Do Birds Find Feeders?

Many people enjoy putting feeders out for the birds in their garden. It can be great fun watching birds such as hummingbirds feed and the food can be an important source of nutrition for the birds at times of the year when their natural food sources are scarce. If you […]