Author: James Morgan

owls omnivore

Are Owls Omnivores? [The Mysteries of Nightly Nibbles]

Owls are known for their nocturnal nature and piercing gaze, but when it comes to their diet, most people wonder whether they’re omnivores or carnivores. So, are owls truly omnivores? Yes, owls can be occasional omnivores. They eat plant-based food, especially fruits, when an opportunity presents itself. However, owls are […]

sparrows mate for life

Do Sparrows Mate for Life? [A Love Story in Flight]

Most bird lovers are always curious about the romantic relationships of sparrows. Do they stay together for life, or are they serial monogamists?  There’s complexity behind the relationships between sparrows, but it appears these birds mate for life. Most sparrows don’t switch mates unless the partner is killed or injured. […]