General Facts

birds eat ants

Do Birds Eat Ants [What Is Anting and Why Is It Done?]

There’s no doubt that birds display some peculiar behavior.  From birds like ostriches eating stones for digestion to tiny aggressive hummingbirds fighting off crows 10 times their size they constantly leave us in wonder. Another strange but common behavior from birds is eating ants, but it doesn’t stop there. Not […]

do flamingos migrate

Do Flamingos Migrate? [Everything You Need to Know]

Flamingos are one of the most iconic birds with long necks. Despite their fame and peculiar appearance, not everyone knows more about these birds, especially their migratory habits. Although flamingos are generally non-migratory birds, their colonies are not always permanent due to changes in climate and water levels in their […]

Do Ostriches Have Teeth

Do Ostriches Have Teeth and How Do They Eat?

Some of the oldest birds (think 150 million years ago) such as the Archaeopteryx had reptilian-like teeth, but is this true for modern-day birds such as an Ostrich? Ostriches, similar to all modern-day birds, don’t have teeth, but instead use their beaks to swallow their food whole, where it is […]

pigeons mate for life

Do Pigeons Mate For Life?

Yes, Pigeons mate for life. Humans tend to ascribe our behaviors to the animal kingdom, including that pigeon’s mate for life. It is described as romantic but does the pigeon have the same feelings as we do? While it is impossible to know precisely, many of their behaviors, such as […]

Birds with red beaks

10 Exquisite Birds With Red Beaks [ID & Pictures]

The color of a bird’s plumage is critical for various reasons such as attracting a mate, identification, protection against predators, and camouflage mechanism while hunting. Red is one of the most striking colors to find in birds’ feathers, but what about their beaks? Red is not a color that birds […]