Birds are warm-blooded animals just like humans. Generally, their bodies maintain a fairly constant temperature of around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. But, you might be wondering whether birds get cold. Just like humans, birds do feel the cold. This means that they have to use various methods to regulate their body […]
Author: Torrie Reed
Are Birds Color Blind? [Learn The Fascinating Facts!]
There’s a lot to learn about birds and how they differ from humans and other warm-blooded mammals. One thing that you might be wondering is if birds are color blind. Are birds color blind? Well, you might be surprised to learn that birds can actually see more colors than humans […]
How Long Does It Take For Hummingbird Eggs To Hatch?
The life cycle of a hummingbird from egg to adult is an interesting one and can take several weeks. But, you might be wondering, how long does it take for hummingbird eggs to hatch? Depending on the species of hummingbird and the weather conditions, hummingbird eggs can take anywhere from […]
Do Hummingbirds Have Feet? [Yes, Of Course They Do!]
Of course hummingbirds have feet! Have you never seen one perching on a twig or small branch? Actually, more than likely, you haven’t. Because they’re so small, it can be hard to spot them while they’re perched high up in a tree. They do this quite a lot, especially male […]
30 Beautiful Flowers To Attract Hummingbirds
By now you should be aware that hummingbirds like and are attracted to the color red. Therefore, it goes without saying that hummingbirds love red flowers. They’re also particularly fond of tubular flowers because they can hold a lot of nectar. Besides having hummingbird feeders in your garden, it’s a […]
Why Do Woodpeckers Peck Wood? [Food, Nesting & Territory]
There are basically three reasons why woodpeckers peck wood. They are either searching for food, building a cavity to nest in or establishing their territory. Although woodpeckers are not intentionally destructive, their constant pecking can cause some damage to trees and other wooden structures. But, they’re really just doing what […]
When to Put Out Hummingbird Feeders? [State by State Guide]
Hummingbirds love nectar and sugar water and if you put a feeder (see our top 10 favourites here!) in your garden for them, they’ll enjoy coming to feed. The best time to put out your hummingbird feeders will depend on where you live. In some southern areas of the country […]
What Time of Day do Hummingbirds Feed? [Learn the Hummingbirds Routine]
Hummingbirds are prolific eaters. They use up a huge amount of energy and feed roughly every 15 minutes throughout the day. Hummingbirds generally rest at night then first thing in the morning, they’re busy at the feeders. Let’s take a closer look at when hummingbirds eat and when you can […]
Best Point and Shoot Camera For Birding [Our Top 5 for 2022]
Point and shoot cameras are perfect for anyone who participates in birding. By their very nature, they offer a very basic out-of-the-box user experience. Given just how many models of point and shoot, or compact cameras are on the market these days, though, we can sympathise if you find the […]
Bird Photography: The Polarized Filter Benefits
One of the best things about birdwatching is being able to photograph birds in their natural environment. No matter what they do, birds are always fascinating, and a circular polarized filter, or CPF, can help you get the best results. The filter can significantly reduce reflections and the glare from […]